American Hardwoods
Real American Hardwoods

A forest that’s not managed and allowed to grow unchecked crowds out wildlife, and becomes a tinderbox, susceptible to forest fires that cost the U.S. government billions, to say nothing of the damage to public and private property.” But there’s so much more that needs to be known.

“Six Reasons Thinning Trees is Good for the Forest,” an article by Wood and Fiber Supply Chain Experts, Forest2Market, discusses the “myriad benefits that regular thinnings have on the overall health of our forests and their peripheral ecosystems, wildlife habitats, and the safety and economic well-being of the communities that border them.”

Increased Growth – “Private landowners have demonstrated repeatedly that properly managed, working forests have both economic and ecological benefits. Regular thinnings provide an improved environment for maximizing a site’s growth potential, which results in larger, healthier trees and more valuable timber. As a silvicultural practice, thinning allows for the continued growth of the healthiest preferred species within a timber stand while removing the suppressed, diseased and low-vigor trees that will impede the growth of the entire stand. Many of the low-vigor trees in such stands continue to grow at a reduced rate until competition claims them or they are removed via thinning. An integral piece of properly managing the forest is the removal of these trees, which can also serve as unnecessary fuel load during a fire event.”

Environmental Benefits – “Thinnings will alter the environment of the forest, which is a good thing. Thinnings allow the penetration of light, which increases the temperature of soil as well as the availability of moisture and nutrients within the soil. With these changes, forest vegetation flourishes and produces a more favorable habitat for wildlife. Thinnings will invariably reduce the canopy of the forest, which allows a greater amount of rainwater to reach the forest floor, as well.”
“Private landowners have demonstrated repeatedly that properly managed, working forest have both economic and ecological benefits

Bottom Line: Thinning is an important silvicultural practice that increases growth potential, mitigates disease and insect susceptibility, and minimizes catastrophic fire risk. For the full article, visit


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